Free Wi-Fi
Free Wi-Fi is available at our facilities: National Noh Theatre, National Bunraku Theatre (Osaka), National Theatre Okinawa, New National Theatre, Tokyo, and Traditional Performing Arts Information Centre.
(*Please note that Wi-Fi is not available at auditoriums.)
How to access the network
- Open “settings” and turn on Wi-Fi.
- Choose “National_Theatre_Free_Wi-Fi” from the list of networks.
- Tap “Access the internet here” on the network login page.
(Open your web browser if you are not automatically redirected to the page.) - You can register either with your e-mail address or SNS account.
- Agree to the network’s terms and conditions.
- [Registration with your e-mail address] Enter your e-mail address and tap the “Register now” button.
[Registration with your SNS account] Log on to your SNS account with your ID and password. - Read the security warning, and check “I agree”.
- You are now online.
- You are asked to re-connect after 60 minutes.
- Registration is valid for 365 days.
- When you re-enter the network before your registration expires, you can skip steps 4-6 for setup.
- We provide 5 GHz Wi-Fi to minimize the Wi-Fi interference with the stage systems.
Please note that there are some devices that cannot connect to the network. - Once you register for the network in one of our facilities, you will not have to re-register in other facilities.
- “Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi” allows you to connect to Wi-Fi hotspots around Japan including our facilities.