Japan Arts Council

National Theatre (Large Theatre)
February 2023 Shōmyō Performance

Japanese Buddhist Chant of the Hieizan Enryakuji Temple
-Sannō Raihaikō with Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine

Performance Date: Feburuary 25(Sat.), 2023
Performance Time: 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

The Hieizan Enryakuji Temple and Sannō Raihaikō

Sannō Raihaikō
Syubatsu no gi
Kensan no gi
Hokke Hakkō
 Ichi no za -Bai,Sange,Mondō-ōfuku,etc-
 Go no za -Bai,Sange,Hokke Santan,Mondō-ōfuku,etc-
 Hachi no za -Bai,Sange,Mondō-ōfuku,etc-

Tessen no gi
Gokada Raihai

Cast:Hieizan Enryakuji Temple
Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine

*This performance has an intermisson.
*Audio guide: Not available.
*Subtitles: Not available.
*English synopsis is available. Please ask at the reception desk.

Tickets(Tax included)
【1st Grade】  Adults  6,000 yen
        Students  4,200 yen
【2nd Grade】   Adults  5,000 yen
        Students  3,500 yen

Seating Plan

Box Office
0570-07-9900 (From overseas: +81-3-3230-3000) in Japanese and English(10:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.)
Online Booking: https://ticket.ntj.jac.go.jp/top_e.htm


Counter Sales at the Theatre 
available from Jan.18(Wed.), 2023

   Hieizan Enryakuji is the head temple of the Tendai sect, a Buddhist sect founded by Denkyō Daishi Saichō more than 1,200 years ago. The sect was studied at Hieizan (Mt. Hiei), one of the centers of Buddhism of the time, and also by the founders of multiple other Buddhist sects that started from the end of the Heian period to the Kamakura period. Even today, there are more than 3,000 Tendai sect temples across the country.
   To date, the National Theatre has presented Shōmyō (Japanese Buddhist chants) of various sects including Tendai. Hieizan Enryakuji Shōmyō is one of the most frequently offered programs, and it includes the inaugural Shōmyō Performance just after the opening of the Theatre. Premiering today is Sannō Raihaikō, which presents “Hokke Hakkō,” a memorial service held once a year before the altar of the Hiyoshi Taisha shrine at the foot of Mt. Hiei.

in Japanese