Japan Arts Council

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  • National Theatre

Japanese Buddhist Chant Performance

National Theatre (Large Theatre)
Buddhist Chant of the Shuni-e Ceremony, Todai-ji

The Shuni-e Ceremony at the Todai-ji Nigatsu-dō is a Buddhist memorial service. It was started by Jicchū Kashō, one of the leading followers of Todai-ji founder Rōben Sōjō, in the year of the consecration of the Great Buddha, and has been held every year since then without interruption. “Shuni-e,” the Buddhist memorial service held in February of the lunar calendar, takes place annually from March 1 to March 14 and is familiarly known as an event to announce the arrival of spring in Nara.
This Buddhist memorial service is normally held at an inner sanctuary called Naijin, into which only Rengyōshū monks are allowed to enter. For this performance, we are honored to be able to recreate for you this sacred space that usually cannot be seen by reproducing the scenery of Nigatsu-dō Naijin through an arrangement unique to a theatre performance. At the beginning of the program, an incumbent Buddhist priest will provide an explanation of Shuni-e and Todai-ji.
The National Theatre invites you to enjoy this indomitable practice of Buddhism that has continued uninterrupted since the founding of the Todai-ji temple.

Performance Date
May 20(Sat.), 2023

Performance Time
11:00 a.m. - 13:50 p.m.
15:00 p.m. - 17:30 p.m.
* End time is an estimate and may vary.

*Audio guide : Not available.
*Subtitles : Available only in Japanese. Displayed on screen beside the stage.
*English synopsis is available. Please ask at the reception desk.
*There will be an intermission.

Tickets(Tax included)
[1st Grade]  Adluts: 7,000 yen (Students: 4,900 yen)
[2nd Grade] Adluts: 6,000 yen (Students: 4,200 yen)

Seating plan

Booking Opens
April 18 (Wed.), 2023

Box Office
 0570-07-9900 (From overseas: +81-3-3230-3000) in Japanese and English (10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.)


Counter Sales at the Theatre
available from April 19 (Th.), 2023
(Business hours: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. )

in Japanese